What is your take?

Here’s the thing. There are enough ideas, theories, “facts”, tools, practices, books, blogs, … to keep us all engaged for a lifetime. If, however, we don’t stop to discern what is right for us, we miss the boat. All of the great stuff “out there” does no good if we follow it blindly.

Today, begin a new practice. Stop. Look at what you are doing, reading, engaged in, and honor yourself by asking:

What about this is right for ME?
What do I think?
What is MY take on this?

From here, choose.

Zero Visibility

I was stopped at the light in lots of traffic. A semi was stuck in the intersection making the turn and blocking my vision. The snow was so thick that all my windows were covered and I had zero visibility. I had to open the door to see if the light had turned green. Here’s the scary part: Once it turned green and the semi had completed its turn, I proceeded into the intersection. That’s right! I couldn’t see ANYTHING outside of my van.

Where in life do you neglect the indicators “closest to home”?
What choices do you make based on “traffic lights and semis” rather than intuition, gut instinct, wisdom, common sense?
What zero-visibility situations are you in?
What is yours to clear?

What are you waiting for?

Grateful it was a dream…


Couldn’t help but let the Halloween spirit come into play today. Click on the collage and let its questions inspire you to let your secrets be revealed!




Life isn’t for wimps!

When I work with coaching clients, I suggest that coaching is a “full body sport” and that “all of you: body/mind/spirit/emotion” must show up for the game. Yup! That means that your wimpy nature won’t get a lot of air time. What will be encouraged, heard, and brought forth is your courage, your deep desire for growth, for fulfillment, for expansion!

Take a minute to survey your recent life experiences:

Where do you notice wimpy?
In what situations does courage wane and fear win?

Now dig deep and ask your internal courageous voice to speak:

What does courage say?

What Will You Pack?

Imagine packing for a 40 day hike in the desert – just you and a friend and your back packs. What do you pack? Truth is, I have no idea! But this was my dream last night and I found myself asking some powerful questions that just might be helpful at those times when life seems overwhelming, heavy, full of unknowns. They may even be helpful today, as you pack for whatever journey you face. Consider things, yes, but go beyond things and think about habits, activities, thoughts, beliefs, relationships. Ponder:


What is a critical, MUST have?
What is a luxury?
What will I release?

What is the purpose of the journey?