Input Overwhelm!

Are you an input junky? Do you immerse yourself in books, webinars, quotes of the day, ideas from your friends? Do you find “the next great idea” to be “too much” sometimes?

If yes, I invite you into an input pause. (Okay, I’m laughing since this tidbit is one of those INPUTS!) Consider a 21-day fast from input. When you would normally read, watch or listen, STOP. In its place, breathe and let some ideas flow FROM you. Consider a bit of journaling around questions like:

What is in me now?
What wisdom is mine to share?
What do I know?


Women circled ’round the candles,
stories waiting to be told.
Each in time would turn the handle,
doors to open to their souls.

From the past a woman’s journey
mirrors steps in life today.
Strength and power, love and joy: we
treasure another woman’s way.

Combing depths within me only,
harvesting the truth that’s mine,
sharing freely that my story
may for you intensely shine.

Help received from lights of others –
strength to walk the path that’s mine.
Onward, upward, outward, inward.
Spirit within: my Truth, my Guide.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007


Stillness at depth
where mind awaits Mind.

Soul, the calm reflecting pool
and Spirit sees Herself
with Clarity —

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

Sabbath Time

Where is God? I yearn to find
this keeper of the Truth divine.
Daily, struggle marks my days.
There must be a better way.

You need not explain or plead.
Make the space: God knows your need.
Release each challenge you now face.
Close your eyes for they will wait.

Pause within the busyness.
Gift yourself with blessed rest.
Still the mind of outer thought.
Sacred space cannot be sought.

Learn the Sabbath gift of time
away from self-made daily grinds.
Tasks will always wait in line
when you rest in Sabbath time.

Here within this tranquil space
are blessings rich in sacred grace.
Ageless wisdom you will find
when you rest in Sabbath time.

by Jeanne Loehnis, April 2004

My Soul’s Companion

Within, all awaits Her —
my soul’s companion.
In stillness, my soul rests
and Spirit calls upon me.

As glass, my soul pond
reflects Her beauty.
She sees in me purity
and we reflect clarity.

Spirit, companion of my soul,
joy of my heart,
light for my mind,
we are one.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007