Finding Your Calling – Is it always joyful?

This past Friday, I had the privilege of joining Ben Merens on Wisconsin Public Radio to discuss Finding Your Calling with Ben and his At Issue with Ben Merens listeners. While Ben is a professional, and so gifted as a talk show host, I am a newbie so my learning was great! I’d like to share it with you as it lands in me. For starters, the title we selected, Finding Your Calling, was HUGE! And given how the discussion evolved, I realized I hadn’t looked up the definition of “calling” and wondered now what I’d find:

calling: a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence

Okay, that’s what I thought! Here’s what transpired. Calling and Purpose and Passion were used interchangeably by us – and our callers. And at one point, the question of “Does a calling/purpose/passion have to bring joy?” was raised. Realizing I may not have addressed that question thoroughly, I’d like to revisit it here.

Continue reading “Finding Your Calling – Is it always joyful?”

You Don’t Know Me

You don’t know me, I have changed –
inside, my thoughts, all rearranged.
Confused awhile yet now I place
less stock in what the mind creates.

I see with eyes which look beyond
the rules defining human bonds.
The Soul which lives as me, as you,
is not confined to trite “I do”

for It loves all as Soul connection
seeks to further Life’s intention.
Simply growth, awareness, joy,
not perfection, wealth or ploy.

You don’t know me, here as Soul,
present to the sacred whole.
Yet I see you as you are –
ever changing, reaching far.

Human paths we travel on,
side by side from dusk till dawn.
Souls they journey, free to fly –
unique and precious, you and I.

by Jeanne Loehnis, May 2012

Where We Are Whole

Oh that you would stop to see
the glory that is you
for we do choose who we will be
each day our whole lives thru.

And if our choices we deflect
for others’ lofty goals
in essence we have chosen
to betray our sacred souls.

Yet if, instead, we choose the way
of deep and inner passion
withholding not our energy
and from ourselves do fashion

a life of deepest knowing
as we flow throughout our days
then by the river of our making
will the neighbors stop and graze.

Strengthened by the life that teems
from all that we project,
each blessed man and woman
will have learned to self-protect…

and listen to the calling whispered
deep within our souls
and see with utmost clarity
a purpose and a goal.

And we will choose to feed the hunger
deep within our soul.
And we will feed each other
from this place where we are whole.

What Is It?

What is the door I must step through
to completely embrace the all of You?
What is the work I must pursue
to show the world all that You do?

What is it I still cling unto
which hides from me a wider view?
What is the key that will unlock
the chains which bind and trip and block?

What do I hold in heart and mind
which fills the space and so does bind?
Heavy the weight I pull behind.
Slowly progress yet fail to find

the freedom I seek, for fear o’er takes
when carrying burdens in my wake.
What need I now release to make
the room I need as I now stake

my claim to all You give to me
this day, tomorrow, eternity?
What is it that I must believe
if Your Love fully I would receive?

Spirit, my guide, my soul, my friend,
You are in charge and I must bend
and cease my desire to defend
for unto me sweet love You send.

So now, this day, I trust and know
that as I choose You, I do grow.
This is the way, the only door
that I must cross. My life is Yours.