The Homecoming

Okay, not an original title! But, it is fitting and it feels right to round out my experience by sharing with you what it has been like for me in the last 30 hours. How do I bring the learning from this trip into my every day moments? Are there really “every day moments”? Somehow I hear in that phrase the word, “ordinary”. Okay, it isn't there. And, I'd like to move forward believing there are no “ordinary” moments, no “ordinary” encounters, no “ordinary” connections with people.

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Back in the USA

I last wrote on Wednesday which seems an eternity ago! And I am writing from the home of my life coach near O'Hare airport. I'll be heading to my parents' home in a few hours for the annual family picnic. Then home… home to Jamie. Yes, I am looking forward to that! I have missed him.

Yet, there are many NOW moments between now and then, many opportunities to co-create and create from what shows up in the meantime. And there are many learning opportunities as life continues. Always a moment to be with.

So what is really important to tell you?
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The Morning After

Yes, it is Monday. Maria and I, along with our fabulous assistants, Kim and Eva, spent yesterday with six amazing, beautiful, deep, courageous women. As always happens, there are no accidents and the perfect number of people showed up, connected, and supported each other truly in each moment.

To Kim and Eva … you held all of us with such ease and grace — thank you!

To Maria … you are a woman of great courage, strength, perception, and love! I was moved to witness you in action in this land you call home.

My learning?
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Sing Your Life Song – Change the World

Today has arrived! Maria and I will be with a small group of women today with a vision that each experience the song inside their own heart and soul, become aware of the negative voices that hold them back, and feel empowered to move through, beyond, and change the world with the song that they are! We are blessed to have our leadership colleague, Kim, with us from London and Maria's “niece-in-law” Eva, to support us.

Are we ready?

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Another American in Poland

Well… I made it! Down to the center of Warsaw and back on the train. I even walked around a bit and took some pictures to prove it. Now, Dorothy, the Lawrence alumna in Poland, helped with that by providing an even easier map to follow than the one Maria had already supplied. Needless to say, I didn't do this trip “alone'!

What I want to write about, though, is a huge learning that began with Dorothy and ended later with Maria.
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