Feeling good in the midst of others’ pain

I know I am not alone in that place of challenged by the presence of so much difficulty, pain, fear in those around me. During the past month, the activities in Madison which threaten to adversely impact many lives in this state, the devastation in Japan, suicide in a friend's family, the untimely death of a friend … these situations have given me much pause.

  • How dare I feel good in the midst?
  • How can I continue to go to work, play, and take care of my physical, emotional, spiritual needs, when others are hurting so much?
  • What is mine to do now?

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One Reply to “Feeling good in the midst of others’ pain”

  1. I understand your difficulty as I can relate with the struggle. I asked a life coach these questions. She said that by feeling bad isn’t helping the situation. Feeling good vibes, sending prayers and positive energy to the people is what, in reality helps. Easier said than done.

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