Savasana (Resting Pose) – an hour later

The long and short of it is: with a broken foot, my yoga practice is a bit “limited”. But the Universe filled the gap! Today was a special day at Empower Yoga, and the classes had live music. Bemoaning the fact that I couldn't practice and would miss the music, a wise friend challenged me to 60 minutes of Savasana or “final resting pose”. I've been trying to do 15 minutes/day meditation at home and that is challenge enough. But 60???

Add to the challenge, today was the first day of Empower Yoga's “21 Day Off-Your-Mat Reflection”. Danita selected Savasana as the pose of the day and my job was to invite all the yogis into a question. So early this morning, I'd posted:

“Deep inside – beneath thought, beyond emotion, in physical stillness, lives intuition.”
What do you hear when you listen?

I really didn't have much choice! So when the 4:00 class time rolled around, I took my foot, my mat, and my willingness to the studio. And 60 minutes later, after beautiful guitar playing and chanting, and a class going on around me, I realized I had, indeed, listened for 60 minutes.

This is what I “heard”:

  • Early on, it was the words of the instructor, the eyes of the students (of course they weren't watching me!!), the skills of the musician, the temptation to move, my “what have you gotten yourself into?” thoughts.
  • Gradually, I found myself moving in and out of those awarenesses, and sensing my body getting heavy and relaxing. Once I did tend to an itchy nose … and once I adjusted my head. But I was surprised how easy it was to remain still! I noticed rumblings in my digestive tract, sensed my body doing its work that I so often take for granted.
  • Somewhere, the heaviness in my body seemed to become an energy awareness. I would feel it resonate with the music, then be interrupted when the instructor was close to me and talking.
  • When sacred chanting was added to the guitar music, my first impulse was to sing but I had no voice (as a singer and guitar player, this doesn't usually happen to me!). When I allowed myself to “hear” (read that as: “experience”) his voice, I found that each phrase sent a wave of energy up and down my body. I literally felt as if water was washing over me and then receding.
  • I was fairly “in the moment” much of the time, rarely distracted by the to-do list and life's planning. Perhaps 45 minutes into it, I had the realization that I'd forgotten to feed the parking meter! I was surprised that it took 45 minutes to realize this oops — but then watched as I let it go with ease.
  • When the rest of the class met me in Savasana, I couldn't believe the hour was over.
  • And when the instructor asked us to wiggle our fingers and toes and move to seated position … oh the heaviness I felt! My body wanted to rest awhile longer.

This was an amazing experience for me. I “heard” energy in a way I'd never before listened long enough to sense. I was at peace.

I would recommend this to all of you! Try on Savasana for class someday. You might like it.

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