What is your leadership style?

You ARE a leader. Do you know that? We all are. Everyone of us leads – and follows. Messages of leadership are all around us. With the holiday season around the corner, I am reminded of the story, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. If you haven’t watched this holiday classic every year since 1964 as I have, here is a link so you can catch up:


You can also read about the plot line here:


Rudolph and Clarice

As you think about leadership, consider how you lead at work, in your family, in your own life. Let Rudolph give you some things to think about with these questions:

  • Where are you hiding your unique leadership style? (like Rudolph hiding his nose)
  • Where does your leadership douse another’s light? (like Santa and Donner forcing Rudolph to wear a false nose)
  • Where does your leadership style exclude another? (like Coach Comet)
  • Where are you support for another’s growth? (like Clarice)
  • Where are you courageously breaking off from the tribe to be your (misfit) self? (like Hermey the dentist)
  • Where are you leading others to their truth? (like Yukon Cornelius supporting Hermey and Rudolph)
  • Where do you stand up for the misfits? (like Rudolph)
  • Where is your leadership strong, bright, powerful?
  • What will have you “go down in history”?
Hermie and Rudolph

What is YOUR wisdom?