Where did my passion go?

I used to feel motivated for this work. I was excited, unstoppable, energized. Now I feel dead inside. What happened to me? Where did my passion go?

Sound like you?

If so, then what follows is just one perspective you may find helpful.

I think of passion as an energy we all have. Some of us have been fortunate enough to find clarity on just what fuels our passion energy as well as an outlet for its expression and simultaneous refueling. Even if this is the case, we are at risk of disconnection, of feeling like we’ve lost our passion, of burnout.

But I don’t think we LOSE our passion energy!

If you think you have lost yours, just maybe you need:

  • a break
  • to re-evaluate how you are investing your passion energy
  • an adjustment, a re-balancing of passion and other activities
  • some fun!
  • rest

The recommendation of every personal trainer I know is: work it, rest it, work it (thought I don’t always follow this advice!). Today – this muscle group; tomorrow – that one. Often, with passion, we forget the “rest it” step or we believe it’s not an option.

I encourage you to set aside that “not an option” belief and dare to:

  • take a REAL lunch break today
  • get away for a weekend yet this month
  • crawl in bed with a good book for the afternoon
  • go to a movie

If you are so far down the burnout trail that a break won’t help, consider a sabbatical: one – two – six months. Engage the support you need to follow through, to re-evaluate, to rediscover YOU.

What if you don’t?
What are you waiting for?

(*) Two books I’ve read this month which may inspire you too: The Joy of Burnout by Dina Glouberman and Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom.

What is YOUR wisdom?