A Fresh Look At Discipline
Accept The Responsibility
Agile Living
An Instruction Manual For Life
Appearance Is Yesterday’s Outcome
Are Assumptions Running Your Life?
Believing MirrorsHow strong is your support system? Are you surrounded by those who will mirror your awesomeness back to you?ReadBeyond FearLiving life to the fullest means embracing the notion that there is always more to learn, always new skills to develop, always new joys to partake in. Are you ready to move beyond fear and experience all that life has to offer?ReadCreativity as a Pathway To HealingExpressing ourselves creatively, whether that be through art, music, cooking or through our job or avocation or relationships, is a natural medicine for many of life’s ills. Simply re-engaging creatively in our lives can be the most important step toward health.ReadEach Day A New BeginningAnother January 1st has come and and gone. That new beginning may have been the beginning of long lasting great new habits. Or it may have been another disappointment. You don’t need to way for the calendar to turn over another new year. Each day is a new beginning!ReadHow Important It Is … Really!What drives the decisions you make day-to-day? Does it matter? Is it really that important? What if it is? How can you make sure that your decisions are truly in your best interest?ReadI Get To!There is power in how we look at life, the attitude with which we approach the activities of our days. When you ponder your to-do list, what message do you give yoursef?ReadIf Nothing Changes …Are you ever caught in a cycle of going back, over and over, to the same person, place, or activity expecting that it will be different this time and being disappointed when it isn’t? Well, if nothing changes, what should you expect?ReadIntentionsNot a fan of New Year’s Resolutions? Perhaps the concept of setting intentions for the year ahead supported by specific action steps will be life changing for you.ReadLessons From The Rosebush – Part IThis is part I in a 3-part series of examining the rose bush and learning some crucial lessons about living through the various stages of the life cycle of the rose bush, year in and year out.ReadLessons From The Rosebush – Part IIThis is part II in a 3-part series of examining the rose bush and learning some crucial lessons about living through the various stages of the life cycle of the rose bush, year in and year out.ReadLessons From The Rosebush – Part IIIThis is part III in a 3-part series of examining the rose bush and learning some crucial lessons about living through the various stages of the life cycle of the rose bush, year in and year out.ReadLife Is Like The Game Of GolfDo you find yourself stuck in thoughts of yesterday or worried about tomorrow? Take a moment to consider approaching each activity, each day, each moment fresh. Learn from your successes and from the mis-steps. Take a lesson from the golf pros!ReadLiving In The AbundanceHow do you look at the world around you? Is your life rich and full? Do you believe that abundance is yours?ReadMake Your Dreams Come TrueYou need only know the first step then reach out in faith. The longest journey has a first step each and every day! Make your dreams come true by learning how to break them down into manageable steps and take the next step.ReadSecure Your Own Mask FirstHave you heard the saying that You can’t give away what you do not have? Is that message alive in your personal self-care practices? Consider this article a reminder today.ReadTaming the ButterfliesDo you suffer from anxiety, nervousness, fear, worry? Do you often feel butterflies in your stomach? Read about living more peacefully with life’s butterflies.ReadTell A New StoryDo you realize that you have all you need to change the direction of your life? You are the one who sets the course through the stories you tell. Come on a journey to define and tell a new story!ReadThe 12 Steps for RelationshipsSimilar to our drug of choice, we are powerless over other people. Learning to have healthy relationships, practicing the Serenity Prayer within relationship, is a vital part of our recovery. These steps are meant to support the process of developing relationships which are loving and supportive of our new, recovering life.ReadThe 12 Steps for Spiritual GrowthSpirituality is the personal journey toward discovery, acceptance, and complete expression of the amazing and unique gifts that my Higher Power created in and as me. Spirituality is the journey of a lifetime. May these steps give you courage and direction on your travels!ReadThe Crack In The SidewalkHave you ever looked down at the sidewalk, that wall of concrete beneath your feet, and noticed plant life sprouting through the cracks? How can that be? What is it about life that it refuses to give up under even the direst of situations? Does that same persistence live within you?ReadThe Golden Rule – with a twist!Do unto yourself as you would do unto others. What???? Enjoy this enlightening twist on the familiar golden rule!ReadThe Hurrier I GoAre you a human doing or a human being? Take a moment to pause and consider the value of being.ReadThe Ripple EffectWe’ve all heard the saying, “What goes around, comes around.” Is it true? Are you living in such a way that you want it to be true?ReadThriving Outside Your Comfort ZoneAre you ready to move beyond survival mode and live a life that is fulfilling and challenging? Are you ready to thrive?ReadUnblock Your Life: The World Is Waiting!Still stuck in hesitation, busyness, fear? Unwilling to own the magnificence and creativity that is YOU? You’ve heard the phrase: “If not you, who? If not now, when?” It’s time. The world is waiting for you!ReadUnwrap Your Inner Joy This Holiday SeasonThe holiday season can be extremely busy with all the extra activities, baking, shopping, and gatherings. How do you approach it? How do you usually feel in the midst? How do you want to feel? What will you bring to this year’s experience?ReadWhere Are Your Answers?Tired of seeking peace and serenity, hope and purpose? Not sure where to turn next? The answers are all available to you – NOW. Come learn where to find them!ReadWord PlayWords as acronyms can be easy to remember and very helpful. In texting, acronyms aren’t always real words but, how often have you written IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) or BTW (By The Way)? Find out what FEAR and TRUST, LIFE and CHANGE, and finally JOY might mean!Read