1. Gammy: Life-Sized Easter Bunny

2. Gammy and Pappy: Sandwiches

Pappy and his Dad
3. Gammy: Stilt Walking, the Parade, and First-Aid!
4. Pappy: Dance Lessons!
Pappy’s Mom, Pappy, Great Aunts Luann, Patty and Kris
Pappy, Great Aunts Luann, Kim and Patty, and Pappy’s cousin Jeanne

Pappy’s Mom, your Great Grandma Shirley
5. Pappy: Christmas Memories
Pappy with his Dad’s Fireman’s Hat and Boots on! See his Christmas stocking on the mantle.

Young Jamie (Pappy) setting up the Christmas manger scene

Read about the phonograph HERE
Bob, Luann, Kris, Pappy, Kim – Christmas 1964
6. Gammy: 1st Day of School Photos
Great Uncle Mark, Great Aunt Julie, and Gammy!
Gammy in 8th grade
7. Gammy: Trick or Treat

Gammy without the mask
8. Pappy: Toothless!
Back row: step-brother Bob and dog, Mitze, Great Aunt Kim, Pappy’s Mom. Front row: Rita Verfalie, Great Aunt Patty, Pappy
9. Gammy: Climbing Trees

10. Gammy: The Mouse House
Great Uncle Mark, Great Uncle Paul as a baby, Grandpa Burt, Gammy!, Grandma Elaine, Great Aunt Julie
11. Gammy and Pappy: First Communion
Your Great Great Grandpa Rynders, Great Great Grandma Rynders, Gammy
Gammy and your Great Great Grandma Phelps
12. Gammy: Snow Forts
13. Gammy: Reading

14. Gammy: Swimming

15. Gammy: Learning to Write Left-Handed
16. Pappy: Coco the Puppy

17. Gammy: Kittens in Grandma Rynder’s Barn
Part I:
Part II:
18. Pappy: When Brothers Play Rough!

Brother Bob and Pappy
19. Pappy: Little Pappy Sings!

20. Gammy: Playing the Flute

21. Gammy: Aunt Louise and Uncle Paul
Part I:
Uncle Paul, 3 year old Jeanne, Aunt Louise
Part II:
Aunt Louise and 6 year old Gammy

Gammy with Kristen and Celeste on Aruba
22. Gammy: Great Grandma Elaine’s Creativity
Mark, Julie, little Jeanne

23. Gammy: 4-H

Gammy and your Great Uncle Paul

24. Pappy: Fishing with Night Crawlers

25. Pappy: Riding with Dad on the Block Truck

26. Pappy: Tenting in the Back Yard

27. Gammy: Horseback “ride”
28. Gammy: First Time Playing the Organ at Church

29. Gammy: 8th Grade Majorette and Baton Twirler

Gammy in 9th grade
Grandpa Burt, brothers Mark and Paul, Gammy and Grandma Elaine
30. Gammy: Fishing with Dad and a Labor Day Prank
Little Jeanne with older brother, Mark
A card Gammy made for her Dad, your Grandpa Burt
31. Pappy: Golfing for the First Time

32. Gammy: Gymnastics in 8th Grade

33. Pappy: St. Lawrence Seminary for High School

34. Pappy: Choir
35. Pappy: Cross Country Running

36. Pappy: Cheerleader

37. Pappy: Tennis

38. Pappy: Leadership and Liturgical Representative

39. Pappy: Casino Night

40. Pappy: The End of High School

Pappy with his sisters, your Great Aunts: Kris, Patty, Kim, Luann
Pappy in his formal, senior year photo

41. Gammy: Musicals

42. Gammy: Kids from Burlington

43. Gammy: Cleaning House for Heidi and Ernie

44. Gammy: Connie and the Julius Caesar Magazine

45. Gammy: Valedictory Speech and Terror

46. Gammy: The College Years

47. Gammy and Pappy: What Happened Next?

Jamie and Jeanne
Your Great Uncle Paul, Jeanne, Jamie Grandpa Burt!
Wedding Day June 20, 1981 Jeanne Phelps and Jamie Loehnis Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Loehnis
A few extra photos you may enjoy:
Pappy’s family in 1967
Step-Brother Bob, Pappy’s Dad, Sister Kim, Pappy, Sister Luann
Pappy’s Mom, your Great Grandma Shirley, in 1993