View below all collages and questions which have become available over time. Select as you go to purchase Inspiration Cards in sets of 30 identical cards for $15. The Variety Pack will have one of each card currently available (31 or more!), $20. Shipping is $5 per set. Additional cards to choose from, each with a 2-3 week back order, are available HERE.
Each card is a sturdy, glossy, 4×6 gift. The back of each card contains the questions found below. Click HERE to read more about the cards.

Inspiration Card Variety 2-Pack for $25 (shipping, $8)

What’s your wildest idea?
What might be around the corner?
What if you knew?
What happens when you float?
What’s it like to head into the unknown?
What are the next three steps in your flight plan?
What great wonder of the world is calling your name?
Where are you lost?
Where are you on auto-pilot?
Who has the controls?
What are you practicing for?
What is stealing your joy?
Where are you in the back seat?
What plan has you in the driver’s seat?
What wild animal matches your energy?
What courageous step must happen?
What is tame in life now?

of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What is your viewfinder?
What view is at your back?
What is coming into focus?
What clouds the lens?
What if trust wanes?
What shift enhances focus?
What vision is illuminated?
What are your eyes blind to?
What remains blurred?
What is incredible?
What is beyond your view?
What is the game changer?
What ‘iew’ is expanded in the view?
What intuitive hit are you blocking?
What is your new focus?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What if it was easy?
What is too bright?
What dreams await?
What is your intuitive hit?
What floats your boat?
What does the shoreline offer?
What waves make the going rough?
What do you leave behind in your wake?
What do you see in the setting sun?
What beauty is revealed by your clouds?
What blessings are you aware of?
What does the future hold?
What is possible?

What is heaven?
What is time?
In what ways do you settle for less?
What have you always wanted to learn?
What renders you speechless?
What beauty shines as you?
What voices suffocate yours?
What makes your heart sing?
What do you not make time for?
What color is your light?
What are you waiting for?
What is the strength of your voice?
How do you impact your world?
What doors have you closed?
What is your starring role?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Virginia Reichert.
What mountains have you conquered?
In what ways do you excel?
What is your inner sunshine?
How do you brighten our world?
What is your special something?
Who soaks up your rays?
What keeps you going?
What inner strength do you possess?
What announcement can’t you receive?
What would be missing if not for you?
What rays extend from your heart?
What melts in your presence?
What can you appreciate about you?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What challenges do you see?
What do you dream of?
What drama are you creating?
What drama are you feeding?
Where does the road lead?
What do you believe?
What makes you frown?
What would bring a smile?
What is the gutsiest move?
What does glory feel like?
What is hiding behind the clouds?
What has already been harvested?
What new growth are you watering?
What wings are available?
What ruts trip you up?
What boosts your bravery?
What is your future worth?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What is simplicity?
What deserves a second look?
What story needs to be told?
What are you ready to welcome?
What locked door needs a key?
What is good now?
What do you refuse to change?
What appears beyond the horizon?
What time of day do you cherish?
What do you enjoy?
What must wait?
What is ready now?
What do you want to share?
What opening are you missing?
What do you hear in the breeze?
What message is written on the walls?
What do you see outside yourself?

What is possibility?
What is possible?
Where do you dwell?
What is your unique sparkle?
What single focus is promising?
What is behind you?
What do you expect?
What if you didn’t?
What lies beyond the expected?
What is your difference?
What is your strength?
What weakens you?
What feels promising?
If you are the one, what stops you?
How do you ‘over do’?
What are you being when in pure possibility?

What is friendship?
What works?
What complicates?
What brightens the relationship?
What dims their light?
What is codependency?
What is supportive?
What do you depend on?
Where are you caretaking?
What does healthy look like?
Where is trust the answer?
Where are you enabling?
What advice should not be shared?
What secrets hold you back?
What do you have to give?
What power lies in receiving?
What are your true blue qualities?
What must you stop doing?
What strength lies in interdependency?
What makes a relationship complete?

What rules limit you?
What impact does stress have on you?
What does vacation mean?
What experiences do you savor?
What experiences do you refuse to savor?
What stage of life are you in?
What is too old for play?
How free is your spirit?
What sounds like fun?
What would revive your spirit?
What laughter are you soaking up?
In what ways are you a kid?
What play clothes are wrinkled in the drawer?
What tree will you climb?
Where are you hanging around?
What stressors need a dose of laughter?
What is the gift in a vacation mindset?

What makes you drop your jaw?
What inspires awe?
What is too fragile?
What style do you flaunt?
What style suits you?
What part of life’s spectrum do you avoid?
What would blast you beyond your limits?
What precious memories are present?
What history lives in the recesses?
What structures weigh you down?
What impresses you?
What is real?
What is imaginary?
What is pure?
What green light is in the mirror?
What impression do you leave?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What illuminates your vision?
What stars do you see?
What distorts the view?
What reveals possibility?
What is your definition of infinite?
What is your Yes, please?
How do you say No, thank you?
In what ways are you a No way!?
What world is changing?
In what ways do you refuse to change?
Where are you out of resonance?
What is darkness hiding?
What does the night sky reveal?
How do you embrace unlimited?
What lies beyond the infinite?
What do you imagine?
What future is worth creating?
What future is here now?

of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What feels like madness?
What is enough?
What opportunity is crossing your path?
What are your default reactions?
What fresh idea is calling to you?
What happens when you downshift?
What if you don’t?
What is sacred?
What goodbyes are imminent?
What’s possible if you relax?
Where are you out of balance?
What wild behaviors lead nowhere?
What waits at the end of the tunnel?
What do YOU believe?

What is your purpose?
What struggle can be eased?
What do you believe about the unknown?
Where are you out of integrity with yourself?
What is the boldest action you can take?
What old pattern can die?
What box has become too small?
What is innovation?
What direction does passion lead?
What adventure sparks fear?
What blend of old and new works?
What idea will transform the view?
What keeps you from readiness?
What perceived limitation is false?
What would a versatile leader do now?
What magic lies beyond your knowing?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
In what ways are you floating through life?
What sandbags weigh you down?
Where have you arrived?
What shock wave has upended you?
What waves are YOU making?
What is barefoot in the sand?
What is your personal statement?
What will you take for a spin?
What world is next?
What awaits you in paradise?
What destination eludes you?
What is the ultimate adventure?
What is packed for the trip?
What will lighten the load?
What sand grains are you done counting?
What gear needs adjusting?
What is the essence of your life journey?

What fear do you face?
What is it like to meet it eye to eye?
What scary beasts are really gentle?
Where do you stand tall?
What lifts you higher?
What is in your quiver?
What do you believe?
What had you better believe?
What miracles await?
When does focus waver?
What shrinks your confidence?
What is the impact of courage?
What do you really trust?
What will you trust going forward?
What does a life without limits feel like?
How will you prepare yourself for the experience?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What direction is forward?
Where is there?
What if you don’t make it?
What road are you on?
What lies around the bend?
What are you unable to pass?
What is blocking the passing lane?
What hides in the shadows?
What is highlighted?
What hill must you climb?
What cliff have you leapt from?
What is just a mirage?
What lies at the bottom of the sea?
What impact is in your future?
What is your stake in it?
What chapters are complete?
What is the next chapter?
What swirls inside you?
Who is lost in the cracks?
What friends travel with you?
What similarities do you notice?
What are the critical differences?
What if someone rolled away?
What if that someone was you?
What is more fun with a friend?
What strengthens the group?
What if you don’t speak up?
What if you go it alone?
What ‘us’ matters most?
Where do ‘we’ start?
Top of page

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What is your big idea?
What business is NOT yours?
What do you know?
What fear holds you back?
What is your natural gift?
What must you pay attention to?
What do you see with your mind’s eye?
What are your eyes closed to?
What do you wish you knew?
What change is it time for?
What is cracking?
What direction is forward?
What thoughts put you in reverse?
What are you passionate about learning?
What clouds your thinking?
What innovation needs your creative energy?
What are you when you rock all of it?

What inspires you to shine?
What kind of stage suits you?
What do you expect?
What lies beyond your expectations?
What longs for a rest?
What notes are out of tune?
What instruments are in your orchestra?
What symphony is yours to compose?
What tempo are you experiencing now?
What road needs your show?
What talents are you hiding?
What do you excel at?
Where are you faking it?
What would harmonize well?
What part of you is waiting in the wings?
What happens when you are center stage?
What does your standing ovation feel like?

What is the power in simple?
What stuns you into silence?
What would delicate feel like?
What is false?
What is the simple truth?
What change is imminent?
What color do you represent?
What will you celebrate?
What is your inner sunshine?
What is ready to hatch?
What is breathtaking?
What old idea must die?
What is beyond the horizon?
What is the most natural thing here?
What just landed?
What remains cocooned?
What silence must be broken?
What are three options?
What shape are your leaves?
What will the dawn bring?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What faces do you see in the crowd?
What do you observe?
What are you juggling?
What sources your inner strength?
What needs some focus?
Where are you a face in the crowd?
What are you running from?
What options blend in perfect harmony?
What magic is up your sleeve?
What is your unique rhythm?
What do you want to believe?
What color has washed out to sea?
What is remarkable?
What are you waiting for?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What is passion?
What joys elude you?
What gives you greater joy?
What is your powerful love?
What renders you unstoppable?
What activities are meaningless?
What ignites burning desire?
What emotions snuff your flame?
What power is yours to release?
What power do you negate?
What view is engaging?
What inspires your heart?
What is written on your palm?
What causes you to lose yourself?
What will give you breathing room?
What if bravery was non-negotiable?

of photographer, Nancy Steinike
What skills do you possess?
What catastrophes do you avert?
What if you didn’t?
What results keep you in the game?
In what ways are you the lone branch?
What strengthens your roots?
What rapids are you navigating?
What distracts your focus?
What is too violent?
What is just noise?
What is worth the fight?
What if you rolled with the punches?
What rocks are being smoothed?
What courage have you built?
What if persevering was the only option?
Top of page

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What is your puppy energy?
What have you set your teeth into?
What weight are you pulling around?
What do you believe?
What belief wavers?
What makes you unstoppable?
What energy burst is needed?
What needs a dose of play?
What limits do you claim?
What renders you unlimited?
What needs a shot of confidence?
What ambition is ill-directed?
What is the ‘laser focus’ perspective?
What engages your spirit in play?
What is your game plan?
What is the power of your ‘1’?
What message do you hear?
What are you closed to?
What is prayer?
What Divine inspiration awaits?
What clutters your mind?
What is calming?
What thoughts free you?
What is freedom?
What lies on the ocean floor?
What are you listening to?
What deep truth is present now?
What will purify your intention?
What is your relationship with you?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
Who are you?
What do you stand for?
What is your deeper essence?
What journey is ready to begin?
What is your conscience telling you?
What answers do you seek “out there”?
What inner conviction do you ignore?
What potential is locked inside?
What purpose is worth it?
What is your mission?
What direction do you gaze in?
What self-discovery eludes your gaze?
What are you out of touch with?
What shines from your soul?
What moral compass supports you?
What story reveals your legacy?

What are your unique strengths?
In what ways do you lead?
What inspires your best?
What holds you back?
What old story can die?
What do you follow with passion?
What else do you follow?
What negative tapes play in your head?
What does excellence look like?
What choices will bring you closer to it?
What powerful YES are you ready to choose?
What powerful NO will free you?
What blame games are you done playing?
What strong example do you set?
What needs a bit of laughter?
What bold change is yours to introduce?

What is victory?
What did you sign up for?
What are your top 10 possibilities?
What voices put you on edge?
What would calm your spirit?
What connections are broken?
What is one solution?
What is your smash hit?
What is too cool?
Where are you kidding yourself?
What does Live! mean to you?
What balloons are you floating in?
What is your brightest color?
What is your life missing?
What can you figure out?
What are you dreaming of?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What trickles through you?
What steals your serenity?
What cultivates it?
What are you listening to?
What do you pretend not to hear?
What moves too fast?
What happens when you slow down?
What makes your heart ready?
What will you receive?
What daily practices nourish you?
What daily habits drain you?
What rejuvenates you?
What is peace of mind?
What is the purpose of relaxation?
What awaits at the center?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Nancy Steinike.
What do you love?
What track are you on?
What must you leave behind?
What future gets your focus?
What walk do you walk?
What is over the hill?
What transition has to be good?
What reward do you seek?
What is rewarding?
What railings restrict?
What railings protect?
What takes you off-track?
What if it wasn’t good?
What if you knocked your socks off?
What narrow opening awaits?
What traveling partners limit you?
What is their impact on you?
What defines your life journey?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Joy Jordan.
For more of Joy’s beautiful work,
What is it like to cling?
What are you grasping?
What direction are you climbing?
What hides in the shadows?
What has you all alone?
What makes you flexible?
Where are you going?
What is your potential?
How do you know?
What itches?
Where are you looking?
What motivation is built-in?
What change is imminent?
What time has come?
What will it take to wake up your life?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What is hiding in your basement?
What outlook is not so good?
What fills the jungle?
What is moldy?
What happens when you breathe?
What WAY is a bold NO?
What is your powerful YES?
What else? What else?
What must you look out for?
What remains undiscovered inside?
What is rotting inside?
What is your warning signal?
What excites you in the jungle?
What rope will you swing on?
What is on the next step?
What is the writing on the wall?
What is possible when you Walk On?

Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty’s amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What does your body crave?
What is yours to give?
What is your best?
What puts you out of balance?
What is your balancing act?
What calls for discipline?
What needs capture your attention?
What is the greater reality?
What is your next move?
What is your level of commitment?
What will magnify your healthy beauty?
What are you ready to splash around in?
What thrill consumes you?
What is your difference?
For what will you pay the price?
What will encourage you to make it happen?

What are you saying?
What are you thinking?
What is your light bulb idea?
What do you know?
What is mysterious?
What ideas haunt your dreams?
What do you think you need to know?
What word is guiding you?
What are you afraid you’ve forgotten?
What wisdom are you withholding?
What do you refuse to know?
What mystery do you want to move in?
What light switch needs flipping?
What color is your brilliance?
What thoughts are darkening your vision?
What mystery are you ready to solve?