How will you know when it’s time for your vision to grow?

The last post:

The Purpose of Vision …

ended with this question: How will you know when it’s time for your vision to grow? Note that vision can be the great big “life vision or purpose” and it can be a vision for what we want to experience in this relationship or the job or the upcoming holiday. And, just like the vision itself, the answer to the question is personal. No one can answer it but you.

That said, I think some of the warning signs for vision needs to grow are:

  • boredom
  • restlessness
  • anger
  • frustration
  • meaningless
  • passionless

If some aspect of life – or life itself – generally brings up some of the warning signs listed above, consider a new vision:

What do I vision as the perfect 10 here?
How will I hold this vision in my awareness?
What shift in my energy is needed to create it?

What is my next step?

Stop talking about it!

It’s a risk. Or at least it feels like one. When I set an intention that involves changing how I show up in my life, changing how I act around other people, I find myself wanting to talk about it – first. My ego wants to let you know of my intention. Maybe I don’t want you to think ill of me. Maybe I want your permission. Regardless, what happens is that too much talk sometimes halts forward movement.

There is a time and a place for talk, for bouncing ideas ideas off of others.

And there is a time when quiet action, courage, gentleness and commitment is needed.

What have you been talking about too long?
Where is talk blocking action?

What risk must you take?

Hugs: Give … Receive

Today, as my friend and I were finishing our conversation via Skype, we shared “hugs”. Initially, we quickly said “Sending a hug” and “Sending it right back”.

Then we stopped. I asked if I could simply receive her hug first, without imagining that I was also hugging her. I landed in tears as I fully received her gift. Then it was my turn to hug her and allow her to simply receiveShe, too, was touched.

Consider trying this for yourself. They say we humans really don’t multi-task. We can only do one thing at a time. The next time you embrace a friend, stop. Ask to receive separately from your giving.

What do you notice when you single-task your hugs?

Trust …

Do you ever have a vision, a dream, a desire and, once present, you want it … NOW?

I do.

Yet, the things which I desire at this point in my life are not things. They do not manifest overnight. They cannot be purchased in a store. Rather, I dream of new lifelong ways of being, deepening relationships. I dream of the impact of new ongoing habits like daily meditation.

Sometimes I struggle.

I struggle when I forget:

Hold the vision, take today’s step, and trust.

And that is guidance for today, and every today hereafter.

What is your vision?
What is today’s step?
What must you trust?

The Gift of Listening

Recently I was reminded of the value of listening – the value of caring enough to listen without judgment, without trying to fix, with nothing more than an open, loving heart and a mind open enough to simply receive. I was reminded that this gift is needed – not just with coaching clients, not just with friends. It is needed at home. It is needed with those whose lives touch mine intimately.

“Of course!” you say.

Yet, home seems to be the place where I fail the most, where I slip into judgment, where I forget that you don’t need me to fix you.

Why is it so hard at home? 

Maybe because we are too familiar, I make assumptions, I fall into automatic, default mode rather than active, alive, loving listening mode. Maybe because your choices impact my life differently than those “out there”. Maybe because I don’t care enough to take the time to remember to bring my best self to our relationship.

While the reason doesn’t matter, I don’t like those possibilities! I want my actions and my listening to show you the depth of my love. You deserve that.