What are you thinking?

Perhaps you’ve heard: “Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.” In a lyric composed many years ago, I wrote:

There’s no getting around it:
the world is what you make it to be.
You see and hear, yes you perceive,
and then the mind such stories it weaves!

Our minds are very powerful human computers! And their job is to think. That can be a very good thing. With our minds, we solve problems, explore possibilities, and vision the future we wish to create.

Our thinking minds, however, if left unguarded, can guide us astray. Continue reading “What are you thinking?”

Listening power …

Listening, really present, deep listening is a gift that many of us never really receive. Think about it: when was the last time that you shared with another person or group and did not experience interruptions, fixing, opinions or “I know what you should do!”?

If you’ve had the gift of being listened to deeply, what was that like? What do you notice when you are able to share who you are and what is important to you in the moment and simply be heard?

How about your listening skills? Continue reading “Listening power …”


“nothing is possible unless the door is open
a mind full of itself caught up in its own tentacles
living in memory
never hears the whispers from the depth
only in innocence are we vulnerable to reality
only in not-knowing does the light appear”

~ Billy Doyle, The Mirage of Separation

I remember as a teenager thinking, “I will be an adult soon. I’ll graduate from college, get married, and have all the answers I need to succeed in life.”

Okay, pretty silly and naive!

And, gratefully, Continue reading “(in)flexibility”

What is your intention?

“Attention activates the energy field, and intention activates the information field, which causes transformation.” Deepak Chopra

More simply stated,

Attention energizes; Intention transforms

This simple phrase had a big impact on me this week and I’d like to invite you into its power. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “What you focus on, expands.” Focus on the pile of work on your desk and fear of the looming deadline and quite likely, anxiety and overwhelm grow. Focus on a persistent pain in your body and it seems ever present. Paying attention energizes what we pay attention to!

On the flip side, Continue reading “What is your intention?”

What am I to learn from you?

Today’s message is short; it is an invitation to a way of being in our lives. It is meant for you if you ever move through your days:

  • ignoring everything and everyone that isn’t “in the plan”
  • assuming that the person you are about to speak with has nothing of value to offer you
  • mindlessly doing the mundane tasks
  • afraid of what you are about to do or what the people around you are thinking

My invitation to you is this:

Continue reading “What am I to learn from you?”