
Often folks come to life coaching for support in living their fullest life, living into their dreams, moving beyond what feels like “settling” for the life experience they seem to be having. So when I heard this:

You are not settling – you are settling into the life you were meant to live.” ~ Polly Hensen

I also heard a momentary disconnect inside followed by:

“Yes! And …”

“Yes!” to looking back at where we have  been, the talents and skills we’ve developed, the relationships which really matter, the values which we hold near and dear.

“Yes!” to settling into the foundation of who we are now. 

“And …”

courageously discerning how we want to expand from this foundation.

Where are you NOW?
What is your foundation made of?
How are you meant to expand from here?
What support does your expansion need?

The Downside of Self-Sufficiency

I learned early in life to be self-sufficient, not to need, “Do it yourself: don’t ask for help”. While this may seem empowering, even wise, at first glance, one downside is: I shrunk my world. If I couldn’t do it, it didn’t get done.

Another, though, is that by not asking for help, I didn’t learn the art of co-creating, of “doing with”. This is SO essential for healthy teamwork and family dynamics.

Moreover, Continue reading “The Downside of Self-Sufficiency”

Extend your life!

What are you present to right now?
What are you thinking about?
Are you really here reading these words?

This message is very short, inspired by Ram Dass, in his book, “Walking Each Other Home”:

We can extend life by living life fully moment by moment.

The band, Cloud Cult, in their song, “Time Machine Invention”, sing: Continue reading “Extend your life!”

Collecting Dust

Recently, I was describing to a friend that I see myself as a lifelong learner. I can’t imagine getting to some point (a certain age, adulthood, retirement) and deciding that “I’ve arrived and I’ve got it — this thing called life”.

Yet, I am aware that some folks do “arrive”. They stop expanding. They go through the motions of their days, today no different than yesterday. Perhaps you hear them complain about how the world is changing and making life difficult.

Some folks continue learning Continue reading “Collecting Dust”

Inner Light

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

As I sit with this quotation, I am reminded of the years I spent “perfecting my outside” so that I would “sparkle and shine” in the world. I cared about what I should wear or what others would think while ignoring my inside world. I didn’t make time for introspection and discerning my truth, the beauty that only my unique perspective could reveal. As Elisabeth implied, Continue reading “Inner Light”