Listening to Universal Guidance …

For much of my life, I was a detail oriented planner – a computer programmer by trade. I lived in a world of control and needing to know the who, what, when, where, why of just about everything.

That was then. This is now.

Now I am practicing listening to the space, to the unspoken, to the magic that unfolds within and around me when I’m not holding on so tightly. I’m listening to the insights that appear in my awareness without thinking, to ideas that at first glance are wild and crazy and at second glance are truly gifts from the Universe delivered through my intuition. And I am learning to heed these impulses and take action.

What I know now is this: the path of living from my my intuition and heeding Universal Guidance requires daily recommitment. It’s not something to dabble in! Sometimes the Universe sends me so far out of my comfort zone or the previously known steps that I have no choice but to continue to trust, ask for help, listen for guidance and move with the flow. And the result is wild and wonderful and filled with awe and delight. What about you?

Where do you hold on too tightly?
In what ways do you limit your joy by controlling your experiences?
How do you ignore your intuition?

What shift is the Universe suggesting now?

Precious Energy

Precious energy – YOUR energy. What does it feel like these days? How do you allocate it? Spend it? Do you save it for a rainy day (or, in Wisconsin, a blizzard)? Do you believe it is out of your control?

It often feels as if we have just so much life energy at our disposal. Based on our choices, however, we can create and experience MORE – or  LESS – of this energy each and every day. Our actions, beliefs, thoughts and emotions all impact our energy level. Today I ask you to pause and answer these questions for yourself:

How do I want to experience my precious energy today?
What choices will lead me there?


Where is your focus?

What you focus on expands. Perhaps you’ve heard that before, perhaps not. But, think about it for a moment. What is looming large in your awareness right now? What gets your time, money, energy, thought, focus? As you give it your valuable resources, does it grow or shrink?

The real question, of course, is this: Am I focusing on what I want to expand in my life?

Where will you put your focus today?

Acknowledging the Unseen

Recently, the moon was at its closest point to the Earth in years. Folks around me talked about the strong energetic impact this potentially had on them. My inner “doubting Thomas” spoke up and I found myself in disbelief. Then it occurred to me, “Of course there would be an impact! Imagine the energy it must take to keep the moon and the Earth in their orbits. Imagine the strength of gravity keeping us grounded here!”

Then, the real “Ah ha!” moment …

What else do I refuse to acknowledge because I can’t see it?
What power am I closed to because of doubt?
What if I opened the door a crack?

What am I waiting for?