Meditation and Stillness: What’s the big deal?

Undoubtedly you’ve heard the word meditation tossed about in recent years. You’ve been told that it has value, helps reduce stress and anxiety, clears your mind and helps with focus. (If you want more, Deepak Chopra offers much in his article, Why Meditate?)

If you are still not convinced or willing to devote time to a personal meditation practice, I’d like to give you an image that may help. Continue reading “Meditation and Stillness: What’s the big deal?”

Are you REALLY an independent thinker?

Stop and think with me: What is it that drives most of your decision making, your actions, your beliefs? Do you consider yourself to be independent, freely choosing your thoughts and responses? Or, are your thoughts the by-product of decades of conditioning from society, family, religion, political persuasions, co-workers, authors …? You get the the idea.  How often, if ever, do you really make an independent choice, one that is totally free of the influence of “other”?

Is it even possible?

Each of us has come to this point in our lives having been “fed” ideas formed by the world around us: our country of origin, the family religion (or lack thereof), societal norms, our race, our financial well-being, the books or music we’ve chosen or which were popular at the time. And we have, most likely, formed opinions about life based on all of this! My question today:

Are you REALLY an independent thinker?

might be restated as: Continue reading “Are you REALLY an independent thinker?”

It’s All Invented!

A shoe factory sends two marketing scouts to a region of Africa to study the prospects for expanding business. One sends back a telegram saying:


The other writes back triumphantly:


This simple story used by Benjamin and Rosamund Stone Zander in The Art of Possibility is their invitation to possibility. They suggest that in the world we inhabit – “it’s all invented”. How often have you shared an experience with someone (a meeting, a movie, a meal, …) and, in discussing it afterwards, you find little that the two of you can agree on? Continue reading “It’s All Invented!”

Then what …

You are facing an obstacle, a situation. Your mind has jumped into the whirlwind of confusion and perhaps all the way to stuck and unmoving. Worst of all, you’ve got fear and it has taken over. Consider this tool. It might not even be new to you. But in case you haven’t tried it in awhile, here goes!  Ask yourself:

What’s the worst that can possibly happen?
If it happens, then what?
After that, what?
What next?

Now, give yourself the gift of this alternative:
Continue reading “Then what …”