High Expectations

Having dreams, visioning where we want to go in life, what we want to create in life is powerful. Without them, it is easy to move through life on auto-pilot, expecting today to be like yesterday and doing the same things day in and day out.

Often, however, those of us who vision and want to live into our dreams set ourselves up with high expectations of ourselves and low tolerance for the learning curves, the journey from here to there. When we don’t meet those expectations, Continue reading “High Expectations”

You’ve Changed!

Recently, I wrote about metamorphosis – about changing from the inside out on this journey called life. Today I add this:

What about our relationships? If we are truly evolving within, changing how we think and feel and see the world around us, then our actions – how we express ourselves – are going to change. At some point, if we don’t tell them first, others will notice. Among family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances: Continue reading “You’ve Changed!”

Pathmaker is a trickster

How do you choose your next steps? Do you make choices based on “what everyone else is doing”? Do you listen to what “they” say? Or, do you step out of the mainstream and listen to the calling of your heart and soul for guidance?

In my early days of writing songs, this lyric spilled out:

Follow My Soul

I’ve traveled in the city and followed other’s steps.
I’ve done each task before me. My life: a success.
I’ve learned well, for I thought all life’s answers were taught.
Now I’m starting over to dream in the clover – I hear new questions again.

The questions that are with me each day and through the night
sometimes send fear straight through me. I know not wrong from right.
Yet I know I must go through this uncertain time
and be with the feeling, as the Unknown’s revealing to me a new way to grow. Continue reading “Pathmaker is a trickster”

What’s wrong?

My husband is very perceptive. He can sense with pinpoint accuracy when something’s “off” in me. When he does, he often asks:

“What’s wrong?”

Sometimes, the question is helpful and I can identify and share what I’m preoccupied with and which I might label “bad” or “wrong”.  But, sometimes, there is nothing “wrong” at all and the question puts me in a defensive place.

One thing I appreciate about Buddhism is the message, “it just is” rather than “it’s good” or “it’s bad”, “it’s right – or it’s wrong”.

With that in mind, he and I talked about his question and came up with this reframe: Continue reading “What’s wrong?”

Manifestation of Resistance

Perhaps you have heard the phrase:

What you resist, persists.

When we resist life’s challenges, avoid confrontation and take shortcuts, the underlying problem isn’t resolved. Rather, it persists and eventually returns, perhaps disguised a bit differently. Resisting or avoiding keeps us from living into this message: The only way out is through.

During my training as a life coach, we explored resistance since this keeps people from growing into and expressing the life they want to live. This very helpful visual came with the discussion. Continue reading “Manifestation of Resistance”