Grounded … or not!

What grounds you? What is it in your day-to-day, or in your greater life experience at this time, which provides stability, home base, that place to land when upheaval happens?

Or perhaps, unlike me, you don’t need that tether. You are able to fly freely, go with the flow, flit from here to there endlessly – without losing site of direction, focus, dreams, visions, or goals.

There is no “right or wrong, good or bad” of course. But it is vital that we know our personal needs and honor them. So I ask again:

What grounds you?
What needs to shift so this grounding presence will expand?

Are you “you”?

Who are you? What is the absolute essence that you alone can be? Like the snowflakes, every single human being is unique and unlike every other being to live before or after. Does the world see the intricate beauty of your snowflake? Or are you part of a snow ball, a snow man, a snow igloo? Have you merged with others for the sake of “belonging” or “security” and by doing so abandoned your essence? Have you melted?

Today, allow yourself to notice where in life you are most “you” and in what situations “you” get lost.

What does it feel like to be “you”?
What is the price tag on your snow igloo?
What part of your essence are you ready to reclaim?

What if YOU are exactly what I need?

Imagine a challenging relationship in your life. Maybe it’s your supervisor or a co-worker; maybe a family member, in-law, spouse; maybe it’s your nosey next door neighbor. Regardless, imagine just one person who challenges you, who you find hard to be with, hard to feel compassion for, hard to love. Got it?

What if this relationship is a gift from the Universe?
What if this person is a teacher with a lesson your life is ready for?

What if YOU are exactly what I need?

What have you outgrown?

On this journey of expansion, personal growth, we read, we study, we try new things. We take on new practices like journaling and meditation, yoga and mindfulness. We attend workshops and seminars. We stretch into new avenues of creativity.

And … we let go. If we don’t, it is very likely that we will burst!

Everything – absolutely everything – on this human plane is temporary, or in Buddhism, impermanent. Even those practices, relationships, ideas we pick up along the path of growth which are life transforming in the moment, eventually cease to serve us in the same way. Sometimes we alter them and they continue to serve; sometimes they must end.

Give yourself a moment to review the “tools” you use today in service of your personal growth. For each, ask yourself:

How have I outgrown this?
What change would double its impact now?
Is it time to release it?

Purpose – With a Spiritual Twist!

When I think about myself as a “spiritual being having a human experience”, I hear a whole different dimension to the phrase “life purpose”, which speaks to the impact that I want for my human life on this earth. While you may not see yourself as a “spiritual being” having a “human experience”, I suspect that your spiritual belief system has an impact on your choices in this lifetime.

Today, I would like to invite you into a broader question about purpose. When you let purpose be impacted by your deepest, most sacred beliefs, what shows up here:

What is your human life purpose?
What is the spiritual purpose for your human existence?
What changes when you focus on your spiritual purpose?

Now, maybe, it’s all the same for you! And you and your spirit are fully aligned. How awesome!