What are you juggling?

When it comes to juggling the people, activities, projects that fill the trajectory of your life:

  • Do you throw lots of balls in the air hoping you’ve thrown some high enough to disappear for awhile?
  • Are you overly cautious, carefully selecting which balls to toss and limiting your options sometimes unnecessarily?
  • Have you got this juggling skill perfected with the “just right” set of objects spinning?

If you don’t know … even if you do … gift yourself with a few minutes to ask:

What am I juggling now?
What is so high in the air I’ve lost sight?
What am I about to drop?
What do I want to add?

Now what?

Life isn’t for wimps!

When I work with coaching clients, I suggest that coaching is a “full body sport” and that “all of you: body/mind/spirit/emotion” must show up for the game. Yup! That means that your wimpy nature won’t get a lot of air time. What will be encouraged, heard, and brought forth is your courage, your deep desire for growth, for fulfillment, for expansion!

Take a minute to survey your recent life experiences:

Where do you notice wimpy?
In what situations does courage wane and fear win?

Now dig deep and ask your internal courageous voice to speak:

What does courage say?

What Am I To Learn?

Ever find yourself in a situation that doesn’t match your expectations or desires? Maybe it’s a new job or boss that is nothing like you’d anticipated. Maybe the day ahead is full of responsibility and you woke up sick and tired. What is your default behavior at times like this? Complain, quit, get ugly? Trudge on, barrel through and abuse yourself?

Consider one more option: look for the lesson. None of us have done this life in this body before. Every day is new and different from yesterday. In every situation, every conversation, every task, consider letting go of all preconceived ideas and wondering:

What am I to learn?

White Knuckle Abstinence

Ideally, we move forward and take positive steps toward our goals by visioning the future and excitedly doing what it takes to get there. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work. Sometimes we let life – or fear – get in the way even when the vision is compelling and glorious!

In 12-Step recovery, the phrase, “white knuckle abstinence” means doing whatever it takes to steer clear of our substance of choice whether that be alcohol, drugs, overeating, under eating, or gambling. This can be unpleasant and hard – yet possible with the help of supportive sponsors, meetings, inspirational readings.

What does “white knuckle abstinence” look like around vision work, around living a fulfilling, purposeful, passionate life? I think it is another tool in our tool box. Perhaps it’s the sledge hammer which may not do the prettiest work but does do something! Maybe it’s the hand saw when we really need a chain saw yet again, it moves us forward. Maybe it is an accountability partner. Maybe it’s getting up 15 minutes early each day to exercise – kicking and screaming all the way – but doing it.

If you’ve been stuck in a rut or backsliding on your dreams, ask yourself:

What would a dose of White Knuckle Abstinence look like?

What’s Not Being Said?

Growth, creativity, expansion into all we can be doesn’t come from reporting what we know or sharing what we’ve done. Far more vital, especially in the context of a coaching session, is this: What’s not being said?

Begin to notice what you leave unspoken at work, at home, with friends and with your coach. What thoughts do you dismiss? What emotions do you stuff? What energy is moving through your body that you are trying to ignore? What are you afraid to speak aloud?

What happens when you acknowledge it?