
Life – the purposeful, intentional, sometimes driven, always expanding life we choose – deserves a constant companion: Gentleness. Even amidst the activity, achievement, commitments, goals, excitement … even – or perhaps – ESPECIALLY amidst all of this, gentleness is a vital ingredient. For you:

What does gentleness look like?
What does gentleness feel like?
What does gentleness sound like?
What does gentleness taste like?
What does gentleness smell like?

Where is a dose of gentleness the cure?

Blurred Vision

The last bit was about multitasking and the challenge to be present to this now moment, this activity, this action. Now, as you revisit single-focus, notice what blurs your vision. What gets in the way? What clutters your mind, your heart, your focus?

Take a moment now. With pen and paper at the ready, clear your focus by transferring the clutter from mind to paper. Take three deep breaths – then return to your choice for single-focus presence.

What do you notice?

Lesson from Oz

While there are many things to learn from The Wizard of Oz, I’d like to invite you into just one for today. Do you remember Miss Gulch, the bicycle riding, mean, old hag? She had every intention of confiscating Dorothy’s dog, Toto, and had the “rules of the law” to support her. This, of course, crushed Dorothy.

Now think about Dorothy’s dog, Toto. I see childlike energy and determination, ignoring the rules, and “going after life”! And Dorothy had every intention of keeping Toto close to her chest at all times.

What voice in you sounds like Miss Gulch?
What inner voice is that of Toto?
What power have you given to Miss Gulch?
How does your inner Toto energize you?
What helps you embrace, engage with, expand, and celebrate your inner Toto?

100% Commitment

You have undoubtedly felt 100% commitment at times. Perhaps you were passionately engaged in an activity or filled with intention around a relationship. Call into your awareness what 100% commitment feels like in your body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

Now, mentally walk through your “to-do list” for today. Where does 100% commitment show up?

What shift will it take to bring 100% commitment each item on that list?
What will you gain by engaging at 100%?
What do you lose when you don’t?
What needs to fall off the list?

What We Know

Frequently in life we say: “I don’t know”. Sometimes we proceed to ask the next person, “What do you think?” and invite their opinion on our situation.

My thoughts for you today are:

Do you NOT know?
Or, do you NOT LIKE what you know?

What is YOUR truth now?