Just a little bit

Ever had a task that seemed totally overwhelming? Ever need to learn a new skill and could not fathom how you would do it? Ever have trouble staying focused as you learn and find yourself constantly clock watching?

I have – often. For me, the restlessness comes from the fact that I hate the part of learning where I feel totally inept, a pure beginner. I want to be capable, to know how, NOW! While I suppose I could come to accept, treasure, or even like being a beginner, until that happens (in some future lifetime, I’m sure!), I overcome my resistance with this simple practice.

Are you ready?
Continue reading “Just a little bit”

What if you had no fear?

While I wouldn’t have said this in years past, I know now that I love creating anew. I love opening to new ideas and expanding who I am and how I show up in the world. However, it is impossible to expand when I refuse to allow anything to shift, to change, to rest. In order to make room, I must let go – of tasks, habits, ideas, thought patterns. I must let go of who I think I am and who I think you want me to be in order to become who I am yet to be. And here is the hard part for me: I don’t know who that is! Allowing me to become who I am yet to be requires that I trust the process, the journey, life. I must venture into the unknown.

And sometimes the unknown feels scary.
Continue reading “What if you had no fear?”

The “Undecideds”

Last bit, we explored powerful YESes and NOs. The unspoken message was about the way-too-powerful and draining in-between: the maybes, the undecideds, limbo-land. Now that you have given your powerful YES to some decisions, your powerful NO to others, let’s look at what remains. Use these questions:  What are you avoiding? What decisions do you refuse to make? to bring to mind and heart those decisions or situations or relationships that represent limbo-land for you. Just be here now. No, don’t try to decide. No, don’t put them on the list. No, don’t try to figure out what you need. For this moment, just be here with the feelings, the weight of the undecideds. Then, for each of these:
Continue reading “The “Undecideds””

Powerful YESes and NOs

What’s it like to know definitively? What’s it like to be “All in”? How about, “All out – that’s NOT for me!”?

Today’s invitation is to take a look at activities, relationships, commitments that fill your time and impact your energy level. For each one, get quiet and ask your deepest self, your intuition, to respond:

  • What impact does this activity/relationship/commitment have on my energy level?
  • If I were choosing in this moment whether or not to be part of this, would I be “All in”, “All out”, or “Undecided”?

Based on your answers:

  • What gets your POWERFUL YES?
  • What gets your POWERFUL NO?
  • What remains in limbo?

What changes are called for?

Out on a Limb

“Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.” Mark Twain 

How true! The excitement, the juice, the richness of life often requires us to reach outside of our comfort zone, risk, go where we have not gone before. What I especially like about Twain’s metaphor is that a limb rich with fruit remains connected to a strong trunk. It seems that climbing the tree of our life and risking the stretch for richness by “going out on a limb” asks us to:

  • tend to our trunk, our core, our foundation in order to remain grounded in the imbalance
  • choose limbs which can support our weight, paths to the fruit which have a good chance of holding us up 

What fruit are you reaching for?
What does your foundation need?
What path is yours to follow?