Whose ideas are they?

Do you ever find yourself preparing for a presentation and noticing that fear is bubbling up?  I have! It is especially strong when the presentation comes from ideas that came from my intuition, my life experience, me. Sometimes, I then hear:

What if “my” ideas flop?

Just in case you can relate, I’d like to offer a different perspective. The Universe has dropped golden nuggets into my awareness. Like the lyrics and music I write, I transcribe the ideas, the lyrics, the notes. I bring them into manifestation. They began in and belong to the greater whole, universal mind. This makes them perfect – and – temporary. They are here now to be released and have an impact. They are not meant to be free standing, or be “put on a pedestal” and admired. They are meant to be honored, used, and allowed to transform as they are touched and received by the world, the folks who will receive the presentation.

This way of being invites me to go through the experience with total curiosity and wonder. What is meant to be planted, sprout, blossom, or be released in each person? What is possible because I am willing to be the conduit through which the Universe got this message across?

I am sitting in awe of the wisdom that just flowed through me. Not from, but through me and intended for all of humanity.

What if each of us allowed ideas to flow through us into manifestation?
What ideas are you blocking?
What are you hanging onto as yours?
What idea would help you embrace your part in evolution?
What would free you?

Soul Retrieval


You know that my passion is inviting others into passionate, purposeful, powerful living for the sake of this planet, humankind, and the spiritual evolution that is happening now. I desire to live my passion daily, moving in the world, ever ready to be the invitation to another and not needing to know who may be impacted in any given moment. I’d like to invite you into living this way as well.

I have a vision of this way of being from my morning centering that might land powerfully – or not! So I’ll express it two ways.

First, know that you are having an impact, touching people, in every moment. With that awareness:

  • What is the impact you are having?
  • How are you a gift?
  • How do you bring out the best in people?
  • Is your presence coming from the deepest, most positive and powerful essence that you are?
  • Is that presence a laser beam into those you meet – inviting their deep, powerful, positive presence to emerge?

If you can see your laser beam, take a moment to imagine humanity interconnected with laser beams drawing out the best in one another. Got it?

How bright is our light?
What happens if you let your beam dim or die?
Whose light isn’t shining now?
Who have they not touched because you didn’t touch them?

Here is the other way of stating my morning vision. I believe in the idea of interconnection, of each one of us being part of one great whole, or “soul”, expressing on this planet as “me”. And I have heard of “soul retrieval” though never experienced it as such. Today, however, I imagined myself as one who does “soul retrieval”! The eyes are the window to the soul. When I am clear, when my vision is unimpeded by negative thinking, assumption, fear, … then it is my soul which sees. And what my soul sees is your purity, your essence, your soul. By seeing as my soul, I see your soul, and essentially, retrieve it! Imagine being part of world-wide soul retrieval!

Are you ready to do some soul retrieval? If so:

What blocks your soul vision?
What would clear it?
What would you see in others from clarity?


Enough Already


Spring has arrived in Wisconsin even as tornadoes, snow, rain and wind rampage other parts of the country. And I am grateful. Coffee in hand, I sit on my porch and listen to the birds sing their song of morning delight. I sense the stillness all around and the anticipation of wonder within. My heart chakra opens, expands, and I feel the connection to all that is.

Then, without warning, I notice that my thoughts are actively planning – the day, the summer, my work with others. Really?

So I breathe. I gently return to the present moment. I gently invite my busy mind to rest. I gently invite my being to BE.

Does any of this sound familiar? Is your human “doer” challenged to stop and simply be with the beauty around you? If so, know that you are not alone! It is the nature of our mind to think. We have been shaped by a society that values thinking, planning and doing. And there is a place for all of this!

Yet, as a former compulsive thinker and doer, I would like to invite you today into a practice of stillness, of quieting your mind, of allowing, of simply being. Begin with a few minutes or a few deep breaths or a slow, mindful walk around the block. Whatever you choose, begin. Then notice:

How does your heart chakra feel?
What happens in your nervous system?
What “urgent” matters are no longer urgent?
What is the magic in stillness for you?

Practice Patience

Last week, I wrote:

What is mine to give?

You read a message about listening to your inner voices, discerning and learning what is your unique essence, your song, the gift that is yours to put forth at this time in this lifetime.


Today, I am needing to hear:

Be patient.
Practice patience.

When we choose to co-create with Universal Mind, our intuition, Life as she presents herself to us, timing is not in our control! This is so very different from society’s messages that we:

  • get through school in the first 18 or 22 years of life
  • complete the project at work by the deadline
  • plan every detail of that upcoming event so the outcome is *perfect*

No, this is different. It’s inviting inspiration from everywhere. It’s a willingness to hear an idea and release it to the magic that happens when we listen to all that surrounds us. It’s trusting that what we need to know will appear in divine timing, not MY timing. I am reminded of a cute, but meaningful, song by Jana Standfield, I Always Know What I Need to Know. An excerpt from the lyrics:

There’s a power in the Universe greater than just me.
And it works a million miracles when I let it be!

So today, I am practicing patience. I am trusting that clear guidance will appear if I don’t try to force it. Having set in motion an intention for my life at this time, today is for remaining open and aware as I take whatever next step is in front of me. Nothing more is needed or expected.

What intention have you put forth?
In what ways are you trying to force an outcome?
What will you hear if you practice patience?

What is mine to give?


I don’t often share another’s work in its entirety, but this poem was shared in sacred circle yesterday, and it touched me deeply:

Clearing by Martha Postlewaite

Do not try to save
the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
instead, create
a clearing
in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song
that is your life
falls into your own cupped hands
and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know
how to give yourself
to this world
so worthy of rescue.

Many of us desire to have positive, powerful impact in our world. We see all that needs attention and we want to do our part. Martha’s words remind us of the importance of discernment.

What is mine to give?

We cannot do it all – we don’t have to! But we will never know what is truly our gift to offer if we don’t create the time and space to listen to our inner voice, our heart and soul.

Today and every day, give yourself the gift of listening through meditation, journaling or just the pause to take 3 deep breaths. In the space you create, be open and listen. You may hear the song for the moment; you may receive the song for your life. With your song on your lips, give yourself to Life as only you can.