Substance over Status – is it time?

What do you crave?
What tempts you?
How do you know when it’s “too much”?

Okay. I get it. You are sensing that this is going to be a counter-cultural message. You aren’t sure you want to hear it. You have a choice. You can stop reading now. You can return to the mainstream message and settle back into acquiring, needing, wanting, craving, doing more so you have more, never feeling satisfied, never simply enjoying this moment with this person or celebrating this accomplishment. You can continue striving for quantity over quality, status over substance.


Yes, you can! Perhaps you select just one aspect of life for now where you will live into this message:

There is a movement underway.
To simplify. To find balance.
To prefer substance over status.

Consider relationships. If you have an abundance of acquaintances but no real connections, consider investing in someone. Give them your attention, your presence. Really BE with them. Let yourself feel the depth of connection. Then wonder if there are acquaintances that must be released.

Consider belongings. Scan your home or office for areas which seem overstuffed with items you’ve collected over time but which aren’t serving you now. Block out a few hours to be in one of these spaces. Let the things speak to you. Which bring you joy or meaning? Which could be of more use in this world if they belonged to another? Then fill a box and release items to a new home.

Consider the corporate ladder you climb. What are you reaching for? To what end? Most importantly, what energy is being consumed along the way? If the end is money, what is enough? If it is status, what price will you pay? If you weren’t climbing, how would you spend your time and energy and with whom? A first step here might be a conversation with one of those someones. Plan an activity that you usually don’t make time for. Do it! Then notice how it feels.

Dare to experience substance.
Rediscover balance.

Is it time?

What is YOUR wisdom?