Daydreaming …

“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities.
Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” Gloria Steinem

When was the last time you practiced a little daydreaming? Maybe you lost this precious activity along with other childish things. Maybe you replaced it with negative projections and awfulizing about the future. How is that working for you? Today, I am challenging you to put “Daydream” on your to-do list! If you need some inspiration, check out:


and the questions behind it.

What possibilities live in your dreams?

Do you really value YOU?

Think about where you spend the energy of your life. What is so important to you that it gets your time and attention? My list includes a passion for the spiritual evolution of humanity, our expanding consciousness which is fairly invisible.

Does your list include the invisible?

Do you:

  • do the “behind the scenes” work?
  • share ideas freely that you seek no credit for?
  • pray for others or send well wishes?
  • intentionally smile and say hello to strangers?

I am willing to bet that you do some or all of these and that others appreciate these aspects of you. My question for you is:

Do YOU honor this generous, loving, sometimes invisible you?
Do YOU  really value YOU?
What if you did?

If you don’t know the answer to that last one or if your answer to the others is “no”, please take on this challenge:

Write a thank you note … to you!

Wants and Needs Part I

How often do you find yourself saying or thinking, “I need a …” or “I want that…”? We all do it. What I’d like to think about today is the distinction between wanting and needing. Beyond the  material, do I:

need time with a friend or want time with a friend?
need to know that or want to know that?
need acknowledgment or want acknowledgment?

Hear the difference? The next time you find yourself saying, “I need this …” which seems to imply that something bad will occur if you do not get it, stop. Dare to ask yourself:

Do I really want to believe this is a need?

If it is a want, consider the freedom in letting it go!

What do you withhold?

“If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much.”

Lewis Carroll

That quote pretty much explains itself. What actions, beliefs, passions, relationships can you imagine where no one on this planet would disagree or find some fault with? Yet, wasn’t Galileo hanged for beliefs which were later embraced by all?

I wonder:

What limitations have you embraced in order to avoid rejection?
In what ways are you NOT you?
What are you withholding from future generations?

Be willing to be used…

Today’s message to self:

Be willing to be used; mine is not to figure out how.

For me, this means that I am to be here now and not worry about the big picture. Live this moment – play fully on the playing board of my life. Invest the energy of me in the people and activities that are present now.

Does this mean I never plan, never vision, never pause to see if I am “on track”? No, it doesn’t. There is value in having a map and setting in motion the steps that will move us in the general direction of our dreams, vision, the purpose for our lives. Life is lived, however, in this moment – and this one. Dreams unfold a moment at a time. Opportunities show up in the moments.

What is the playing board of your life?
What are you missing in the moments?
What will you fully invest in today?