What sprouts from the seed of you?

Here’s a question from a new inspiration card that hit me this morning:

What sprouts from the seed of you?

Think about it. The seed totally decomposes so its DNA can manifest as something that looks entirely different. If we use the seed metaphor and let ourselves sprout, what WILL we look like? What will we become? What fruit will we bear? Will we be a shade tree? Who will be nourished by our presence?

Imagine, who you are, how you look, what you do, all that is part of your life to-date, is but the seed for what is yet to sprout.

What is blocking total decomposition?
What is your shell made of?
What water, sunshine, nutrients are feeding you now?
How willing are you to be seed?

Be Thoughtless …

What? Be thoughtless? This, from Jeanne whose writing is ever inviting you into deeper thought and thinking about life in different ways?

Yes. Today the message is:

Be thoughtless … and, therefore, mindful

Mindful. No, I didn’t say “mind full”. I said, mindful. Present. Aware. Engaged with this now moment. Engaged from body, emotion, spirit so as to let the the actual experience you are in have an impact and truly be registered in your being. Be with what is … rather than with what you think is, assume will be, or prejudged it to be. Be with what is … rather than what your mind is conjuring up as a response.

Rather than ask you questions today, I have a challenge for you. Today, pick someone (or more than one!) you encounter and invite them into the practice of thoughtless conversation. After “hello” and before you continue to talk, explain this notion of thoughtless, therefore mindful and see if they are willing to be there with you. Note: If they aren’t, you can still be there! But find another person before the day is out, okay?

Then, come back here and post your experience of thoughtless. What will we discover?

When “one more thing” is gift …

One more task, one more phone call to make, one more person wanting my time and energy, one more thing …

Today’s thought comes from thinking about those of you who believe the only choice you have is to “do it”. You believe that if you don’t, know one else will. Whether or not you believe it, your actions suggest that you are “superman” or “superwoman”. I know that sounds harsh because I’ve been there. I still fall into the trap at times of trying to do it all.

Truth is, I can’t.

Yet I stay on the path of busyness way too long sometimes. It’s at these times when one more thing is a gift. Why? Because when one more thing is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, the thing that reminds me that I am not superwoman and that I cannot do it all, then that thing saves me from myself, from self-destruction, from hurting me – and you. This “one more thing” points me toward letting go, trusting others and my higher power, allowing myself to receive and you to give, rest.

In what ways are you trying to “do it all”?
What do you need to release?
Who needs the gift of doing “it” when you don’t?

Energy Leaks

What do you think of when you hear “energy”? Perhaps you connect with being tired or sick and having no energy. Or maybe you slept soundly and are filled with energy! Today, though, I invite you into the energy of your emotional and mental beings for a moment. Consider:

  • the energy to spin a decision around and around and around before actually deciding and taking action
  • the energy consumed by worry around what might happen
  • the energy spent avoiding the task you don’t want to do … but which will take a total of 15 minutes once you begin
  • the energy consumed by fear of the unknown, fear of how another will respond, fear of the amount of work ahead if you make “that” decision
  • the energy consumed as you try to hide your preoccupations, fears, worries

All of these are energy leaks, draining precious life energy from you. Only you can plug these invisible leaks. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Decide to postpone action until some later time, mark your calendar, then – let it go! Give it no energy until then.
  • Take a minute to notice how it will feel to have completed that 15 minute task, then set a time and when that time comes, just do it! Don’t forget to celebrate when you are done!
  • Talk to a trusted friend about the fear or worry you are trying to hide. Let the dam break open. Then revisit the situation.

What energy leaks are you experiencing now?
What energy would you reclaim by plugging the leak?
What now?

Deepen it!

Likely you have heard that visioning is powerful and that staying in the vision, embracing it with your body, mind, spirit and emotion, making a visceral connection to what it will feel like to live the vision, is crucial. Why? Because when we can imagine it to that extent, feel it as if it were happening, we are likely to make choices that match who we are in the vision. We manifest the vision by deepening the felt experience of it in the present.

Deepening the felt experience can also serve us when we want to move away from a behavior or habit. Try it. Call to mind one of those “should do” messages you are always giving yourself:

  • I should exercise more
  • I really want to learn to play the piano
  • I should spend more time with my children
  • I should …

Now deepen it. Imagine nothing changes and, for the next 10 or 20 years you continue to not exercise, never start playing the piano, and you do not spend time more with your children. Deepen it some more.

What are you sensing?
What is that 10 or 20 year vision?
What shift is needed now?