
Curiosity is powerful. As soon we think we know “the answer” to “it”, as soon as we apply the brakes, we have shut down our ability to learn and grow, expand and transform. As long as there is another question, another opening, there is room for more.

In what areas of life do you consider yourself an expert?
In what ways are you “satisfied”?
If you released the brakes, what more is possible?

If you got curious, what would you discover?

Choice – Always!

In case you hadn’t realized it, life has a HUGE component around “choice”. There is great freedom (and, yes, responsibility) in becoming aware of the choices we have and moving from old default behaviors or the victim stance to making personal, empowered choices.

Sometimes the hardest thing is believing we actually have a choice in the matter. Have you ever said things like: “That’s just what Moms do.” or “I could never let him down.” or “I have to do that.”? Or, what if the challenging situation is at work and your supervisor just gave you a task you absolutely don’t want to complete.  No, you cannot say, “I really don’t want to do that. Can I do something else?” Choice? Continue reading “Choice – Always!”

Miracles anyone?

Whatever your faith tradition, or even the absence of one, today I’d like to offer a message about miracles that is powerful. When I remember it, I am filled with gratitude – and that is a very lovely place to be!

Miracles. Are they magic? Is a miracle the thing that happens against ALL odds? Are they experienced only by someone else? Do they only happen in church? Continue reading “Miracles anyone?”

The “Reframe”


Today’s bit is the “reframe” and it’s simple. Imagine yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable, scary, frustrating, undesirable. Your default plan of action might be to ignore it all, lash out in anger, or find yourself in a pit of depression. You realize that your deepest self, your highest vision of life, desires something else from you. Before taking action, give yourself time to see things differently. Give yourself a few reframes. Ask yourself:

What am I taking for granted?
What am I assuming?
What if this was a gift – how can I receive it?

Consider letting some of these folks create alternative interpretations, plans or reframes:

  • your saboteur
  • your voice of fear
  • your inner controller
  • your inner fixer
  • your inner child
  • your heart
  • your soul

Which reframe will you step into?


In case you hadn’t realized it, life has a HUGE component around “choice”. There is great freedom (and, yes, responsibility) in becoming aware of the choices we have and moving from old default behaviors or the victim stance to making personal, empowered choices.

Sometimes the hardest thing is believing we actually have a choice in the matter. Have you ever said things like: “That’s just what Mom’s do.” or “I could never let him down.” or “I have to do that.”?

The next time you feel trapped or realize you are in the midst of something you really don’t want to experience, dare to stop and ask:

What options do I have?
Who (or which voice in my head) says I have to?
What about this choice feels right?
What doesn’t?
What am I willing to risk to choose differently?

 In the end, you may proceed with your original choice – or not!

Does it feel any different – knowing that it is a choice?