Stop Seeking Joy!

What??????????? Don’t we all desire joy, happiness, delight? Don’t we go in search of those people and activities which will bring these feelings to us?

Likely, most of us DO seek joy. Yet, even when it shows up we can miss the full impact of its presence. Why is that? And why, if we all desire joy, would I suggest that you stop seeking it?

Here’s why. Continue reading “Stop Seeking Joy!”

Winter Hibernation …

It is December 28, 2016 as I write – though later as this post is coming to you. I have been listening, deeply, to my spirit, my soul, the voice within. And I’ve heard a message that surprised me. It was a deeper version of something I’ve heard before:

Jeanne, you know that “less is more”. You know that often you feel bombarded by the vast amount of information flowing to your Inbox, through Facebook, through bloggers. You also know that our answers are within and each of us must become willing and courageous enough to pause the input stream and listen. So why do you continue to write, to post, to add to the stream for others? What are you not hearing because you are “talking” more than listening? It is time, Jeanne, time to rest, to take a break from some things. Continue reading “Winter Hibernation …”

Miracles anyone?

Whatever your faith tradition, or even the absence of one, today I’d like to offer a message about miracles that is powerful. When I remember it, I am filled with gratitude – and that is a very lovely place to be!

Miracles. Are they magic? Is a miracle the thing that happens against ALL odds? Are they experienced only by someone else? Do they only happen in church? Continue reading “Miracles anyone?”

More on believing…

Yesterday, I spent time with the notion of believing in Santa Claus:

Why Not Believe?

Today I’d like to take that one step further and explore belief in a Higher Power, God, Spirit, Universal Presence, Allah or a teaching such as that of the Buddha.

What value is there in faith traditions?
How does belief impact life?

I guess I can only speak for myself here. My own journey of belief has had a few twists and turns. I started life in a christian tradition and believed in God as the Creator of all life whose love was unconditional and who asked me to be and do good. I think the faith that grounded our family was a very important part of how we showed up in the world as good, hard working, trusting, loving people.

Then, life hit hard and I needed the 12 Step programs which talked about “God as I understand God” and a Higher Power. I think the deep pain in my life required me to believe in a whole new way. Trusting in something outside of myself, taking myself out of the driver’s seat in life, asking for help, softened me. I couldn’t keep doing life alone, my way. Believing that there were other powers in the universe supporting me was a gift.

Since then, I have explored many spiritual traditions and belief systems. I continue to expand and soften. I have experienced the power of meditation, come to understand the richness in the writings of many great spiritual teachers. The more I journey, the more I trust, the easier life becomes. This human life experience has challenges – lots of them! And when I focus only at the level of my humanity and try to solve problems on my own, I fail and life hurts. When I see a wider view, when I trust that we are supported by something bigger: Life, Love, a Master Creator, I let go. I allow life to be what it is – even the painful parts.

If believing is foreign to you, or if your belief system doesn’t support you in the way you’d like it to, stretch! Try something new. Read. Find a spiritual group. Meditate. Try a new church. Whatever you do, know that there is no right or wrong. Belief is personal. Your way can’t look like anyone else’s. Believing “is an inside job”.

What value would you find in believing?
How might your life change?

Seek first to understand …

It is Thanksgiving Day 2016. We in the US are moving through a very challenging time following the US presidential election. As I continue my own journey of discernment around how I am to be, to serve, and to respond, I am reminded of two powerful pieces of music. I offer them to you today.

Adapted from the words of St. Frances of Assisi by Sebastian Temple, Make Me  a Channel of Your Peace 

And, from India Arie, Better People

May you and your family enjoy a day of blessings, gratitude, connection and understanding.