Winter Hibernation …

It is December 28, 2016 as I write – though later as this post is coming to you. I have been listening, deeply, to my spirit, my soul, the voice within. And I’ve heard a message that surprised me. It was a deeper version of something I’ve heard before:

Jeanne, you know that “less is more”. You know that often you feel bombarded by the vast amount of information flowing to your Inbox, through Facebook, through bloggers. You also know that our answers are within and each of us must become willing and courageous enough to pause the input stream and listen. So why do you continue to write, to post, to add to the stream for others? What are you not hearing because you are “talking” more than listening? It is time, Jeanne, time to rest, to take a break from some things.

With that guidance, I am giving myself permission to take a break from these monthly messages, from blogging, from posting to the Songs For Your Spirit Facebook page. I don’t know for how long. I don’t know exactly what I’ll *do*. I do know that I will listen within. I will honor the creative side of Jeanne whose many projects have not gotten much attention of late. I will spend quality, heart-connected time with family and with those of you who reach out for a connection. I will continue to coach and to host Women’s Circles as both are rich with inner listening.

Friends, especially those of you who have faithfully read these monthly messages and the Tidbits of Wisdom blog, to you especially I say:

What do rest, pause, break, listen look like for you?
What impact would winter hibernation have?
What would intentional listening experiences give you?

Again I offer to you several ways you could gift yourself in the time ahead:

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