Lost in the Story…

I woke to find myself confused, uncertain, unsettled, my brain busy with thoughts – and decided to listen to a talk by Adyashanti which brought my awareness out of my head and into my heart. As my heart space grew, as inner peace and calm grew, I noticed how busy my head has been lately, how often I’ve shared the stories of life with people I care about. There have been many stories (No, I won’t go into them and get lost now!!) and many precious people to tell.

Yet … staying in the stories, retelling the happenings of life, had the impact of me losing “me”, losing the deep, inner presence that calms my spirit and allows me to be fully alive with you. I am reminded of balance – in this case, balancing the need for inner connection with the human need for relationship. And, in relationship, balancing the need for sharing the happenings, the stories, the activities, with the sharing of connection, heart-centered open presence with one another. What about you?

Where is storytelling keeping you from connection?
Where are you lost in your stories?
What change are you ready to make?

2 Replies to “Lost in the Story…”

  1. Oh, this speaks to me today. I like this: “I am reminded of balance – in this case, balancing the need for inner connection with the human need for relationship.” Both pieces are important, and, perhaps, there is a time and place for each. Thanks, Jeanne!

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