When “one more thing” is gift …

One more task, one more phone call to make, one more person wanting my time and energy, one more thing …

Today’s thought comes from thinking about those of you who believe the only choice you have is to “do it”. You believe that if you don’t, know one else will. Whether or not you believe it, your actions suggest that you are “superman” or “superwoman”. I know that sounds harsh because I’ve been there. I still fall into the trap at times of trying to do it all.

Truth is, I can’t.

Yet I stay on the path of busyness way too long sometimes. It’s at these times when one more thing is a gift. Why? Because when one more thing is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, the thing that reminds me that I am not superwoman and that I cannot do it all, then that thing saves me from myself, from self-destruction, from hurting me – and you. This “one more thing” points me toward letting go, trusting others and my higher power, allowing myself to receive and you to give, rest.

In what ways are you trying to “do it all”?
What do you need to release?
Who needs the gift of doing “it” when you don’t?

When “I” am “We” – Part I

Lately, I’ve been bothered during my morning centering time with questions like:

How do I feel today?
What is moving in me now?
What is my priority today?

While the intention is to help me find focus for this day and to live a purposeful life, the emphasis on “I” was keeping me in thoughts of this physical plane, my body, my to-do list, my health, sleep, energy level.

So, I am experimenting with We. “Who is we?”, you ask. We is me (my human self: mind, body, emotion) and my soul. When I come from We instead of I/Me, I remember that each of us is so much more than this human experience, this human expression of the Divine essence. And I remember that the Universe, God, the Soul Essence that infills me – and you – has a much greater and broader vision than “me”. With We  in the equation, I ask:

What is the purpose of this Life?
What is mine to do in service of the greater whole?

I find that together, me and Soul, are a powerful team!

Listening to Universal Guidance …

For much of my life, I was a detail oriented planner – a computer programmer by trade. I lived in a world of control and needing to know the who, what, when, where, why of just about everything.

That was then. This is now.

Now I am practicing listening to the space, to the unspoken, to the magic that unfolds within and around me when I’m not holding on so tightly. I’m listening to the insights that appear in my awareness without thinking, to ideas that at first glance are wild and crazy and at second glance are truly gifts from the Universe delivered through my intuition. And I am learning to heed these impulses and take action.

What I know now is this: the path of living from my my intuition and heeding Universal Guidance requires daily recommitment. It’s not something to dabble in! Sometimes the Universe sends me so far out of my comfort zone or the previously known steps that I have no choice but to continue to trust, ask for help, listen for guidance and move with the flow. And the result is wild and wonderful and filled with awe and delight. What about you?

Where do you hold on too tightly?
In what ways do you limit your joy by controlling your experiences?
How do you ignore your intuition?

What shift is the Universe suggesting now?

SPACE: (S)pirit (P)resent (A)s (C)o-creative (E)nergy

Again I play with acronyms. Why? They help us remember ideas that nourish or empower us. Take SPACE:


This could be outer space, or a space in time, or space between activities, thoughts, breaths. It could be dedicated, intentional space – time set aside for meditation or rest. It could be the sacred moments of space that continually present themselves yet are often missed as we move about in our busyness. When you notice the SPACE:

What magic is present?
What ideas magically appear?
What opens in you?

(*) For a musical invitation to the space, check out: In The Space (Lyrics) (Recording)

Growth Spurt

I shared with a friend that I am going through a growth spurt. In a physical growth spurt, favorite jeans become flood pants and long sleeves reveal the forearm. The outer covering gets tight and uncomfortable and must be shed. Sometimes we replace it with a lookalike! Other times, this growth is an opportunity to try a new style.

Now, I am 54 years old and done growing taller. And, no, I am not growing wider by the day! But I am growing inside, reconfiguring thoughts, emotions, and the ideas that give meaning to my life. And I am saying “Yes!” to new and different activities, challenges, opportunities. In the process, I find myself letting go of long practiced habits (even the healthy self-care practices that have supported my journey) and activities and trying new ones. And it is SO exciting! Who will I be when I grow up? (NOTE: I actually don’t plan to ever stop growing!)

What about you?

When was the last time you allowed yourself a growth spurt?
What is too tight?
What is too short?
What is calling your name?