Do you listen to yourself?

No one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves. Marianne Williamson

Today is the last of 7 days without anyone else in my home. My husband has been away and I have chosen many hours of sacred quiet without people, phone calls, television. I’ve reminded myself of the concept of Sabbath, of stopping work and letting it be.

And I’ve been listening to my emotions, the energy flowing in my body when I rise, when I finish an activity, during time with people and in the sacred quiet afterwards. I am learning – learning about Jeanne and what really delights her soul, empowers and energizes her, what makes her tick.

What I most notice is this: when I pause long enough to hear the message in my body, emotion, spirit and soul, I find acceptance, understanding, and appreciation for this woman who goes by the name, Jeanne. I discover very little need to be heard, to tell my story, because I am listening.

What will you find when you stop and listen?
What if you never stop?
What will be possible once you do?

I Get To!

I have written on this topic before yet it is so powerful that I feel compelled to share again in this moment. A few days ago, if found that I was resisting the “task” of my year-end/year-ahead review and visioning. I was dreading it! Yet, I committed to you that I would complete the process and that today, March 2, 2014, would be the day.

The day is here. And my attitude is, I GET TO! What a difference attitude makes! What changed for me? For one thing, I talked about my resistance with my support team. They pointed me toward what might feel really good about the process. Definitely helped! Talking about it also made me aware of an old block in me: taking time for this very personal experience – something “just for me” – felt selfish, like something I didn’t have time for. Yes – you heard me! And I would be the first person to suggest that YOU take time for YOU, right?

So today, I get to. And I choose to cherish every moment. I know that, if I were to complete this task from an attitude and energy space filled with selfish, or I have to, it wouldn’t serve me at all. Yet from I get to, anything is possible!

What are you facing from I HAVE TO?
What is on your list that fills you with resistance?
What shift in you would help?


One last thought …

Since many of us have a habit of over committing, of saying Yes when we want to say No, of responding from “should” rather than “truth” … I ask you to think about those “Yes” responses that are accompanied energetically by “No”. What happens when you participate, help, serve, give of your time and all the while you think:

“I don’t want to be here.
I don’t have time for this.
Can’t this be over already?
I can’t wait for this to end!”

Yes, we’ve all done it. And, we’ve all been on the receiving end of someone else being physically present with us but emotionally absent. It doesn’t feel good. Take some time to scan your life’s activities, the ways you invest your energy. Where are you a Yes physically, but a No energetically?

What is this costing you?
What is your impact on the “other”?
What options do you have?
Which are you willing to take?

Body Speak

“The harder you push yourself, the harder your ‘self’ pushes back.” Anonymous

I sit here this morning experiencing cold symptoms after a full, albeit amazing, weekend. Is my “self” pushing back?

So I wonder, what if it is? What if, despite what seemed to be good planning, great fun, overall balance (Friday-Monday), my body is pushing back and asking for rest?

When I ignore the body too long, it demands attention. And when the body demands, I find it very difficult to remain centered in my spirit, emotional well-being, intellectual pursuit. I could judge myself as having another lesson to learn: people deal with illness all the time! Or I could listen and honor the cry of my body.

When your body is screaming, “Listen to me. Rest me. Honor me.”:

What unfolds as you listen?
What if you don’t?

What is your body asking for now?

A bit more about Yes and No

Did you know that you can be an energetic yes AND a necessary no at the same time? Try these on:

  • I want to support you without a doubt. And, what you are asking of me doesn’t work. Can we negotiate?
  • I am so in! I love your idea and would delight in participating. And, the timing is off for me. Hopefully next time.
  • What you are planning sounds so needed – and a gift to our community. And, it isn’t something that feels right for me to participate it at this time. Thank you for asking me.

The next time you face a decision, consider:

Am I a Yes?
Am I a No?
Am I both?

What is my most authentic response here?