Enough Already


Spring has arrived in Wisconsin even as tornadoes, snow, rain and wind rampage other parts of the country. And I am grateful. Coffee in hand, I sit on my porch and listen to the birds sing their song of morning delight. I sense the stillness all around and the anticipation of wonder within. My heart chakra opens, expands, and I feel the connection to all that is.

Then, without warning, I notice that my thoughts are actively planning – the day, the summer, my work with others. Really?

So I breathe. I gently return to the present moment. I gently invite my busy mind to rest. I gently invite my being to BE.

Does any of this sound familiar? Is your human “doer” challenged to stop and simply be with the beauty around you? If so, know that you are not alone! It is the nature of our mind to think. We have been shaped by a society that values thinking, planning and doing. And there is a place for all of this!

Yet, as a former compulsive thinker and doer, I would like to invite you today into a practice of stillness, of quieting your mind, of allowing, of simply being. Begin with a few minutes or a few deep breaths or a slow, mindful walk around the block. Whatever you choose, begin. Then notice:

How does your heart chakra feel?
What happens in your nervous system?
What “urgent” matters are no longer urgent?
What is the magic in stillness for you?

The Power of Personal Story

This morning I received an intuitive nudge to open “my” book:


and read. Written two years ago, I hadn’t opened it in MANY months. I almost didn’t today as that intuitive nudge was followed by my ego’s powerful reaction: “How prideful to think that your own book would inspire you!”

Yet, it did. I am writing to you now to say, “Write your stories! Dig into the truth that you are aware of in this moment and write it down!” Why? This human experience is not a solo journey. For each challenge I face, each joy I delight in, there are countless others who have or will experience something similar. Each of us who courageously shares what it’s like to be human is a gift to others on their path.

And, we all cycle. What I knew so deeply in my being two years ago, what I wrote about how to move through those challenges, I needed to hear again today! I had cycled back into fear and old ways of being and needed the wisdom from two years ago to pull me out of the depths. The fact that the chapter hit me as powerfully as it did tells me that there was wisdom and truth in those words that had come from a source much greater than my ego. Those words had been a gift from universal mind that were meant to be shared and I was simply nudged to be the author. They are not mine to hold and protect nor mine to hold back in fear that others will think I’m on an ego trip.

What stories are yours to share?
What wisdom is asking to flow from you?
What might you need to re-read down the road?

From which perspective?

My morning journaling held a strong message for me about choosing from which direction or voice or perspective I am to be with “it” – whatever the current “it” is in life. While there are many perspectives, today I was aware of:

  • IN THE TRENCHES: Purely emotional perspective characterized by internal unrest, the pain body, focus on my needs, sometimes filled with blaming others for how they aren’t supporting me
  • TAKE CHARGE ATTITUDE: Physical or material perspective characterized by seeking a fix, wondering what “I” should do about “it”, often ignoring that inner emotional reaction to “it”
  • SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Intellectual or calculated perspective characterized by evaluating societal rules or beliefs held by organizations I affiliate with and asking what the “right” thing to do is, regardless of my personal wants and needs
  • EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Stepping beyond the body/mind/emotion of life and resting in the meta-view of soul or consciousness where we are one, where all of humanity is connected. Here, what I do, say and feel impacts the greater whole and that greater whole impacts me. What I am experiencing is reflective of what others are experiencing. Daring to take this perspective, I become willing to see and act upon what is best for the greater good. Actions from this perspective are resonant and intentional. They may be uncomfortable and difficult on the human level, but the energy of resonance with the greater good supports us. Those actions might look like:
  • Taking a day off to honor personal wellbeing in order to return to work, people and responsibilities rested, open and loving
  • Taking a deep breath and muscling through what lies ahead one more time
  • Having that difficult conversation with a spouse or co-worker and respectfully speaking personal truth that may be hard for them to hear and then staying with them as they respond
  • Dropping allegiance to an organization that seems to need you yet is not aligned with your deeper, perhaps evolving, beliefs

This is a lot! Perhaps take a moment to notice the perspective that you habitually operate from and how that is – or is not – working for you. Then:

What challenge am I facing?
What perspective would I like to try on?
What do I see from this perspective?
What support do I need?

Just for me … part three!

If you haven’t read parts one and two …

Just for me …
Just for me … continued!

Today I’d like to add supporting ideas that have come to me and through me. First, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Golden Rule:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

About eight years ago, I wrote this article: The Golden Rule, with a twist! The twist?

Do unto yourself as you would do unto others.

If that catches you off-guard, hopefully you’ll let your curiosity take you to the article!

Secondly, my husband has a definition of sin which may help. He suggests that doing anything which intentionally harms another constitutes sin. Yet, if what I am about to do does not cause you harm and it helps me, then it is “okay”.

Finally, a very wise messenger named Benjamin helped me to see more clearly the idea that what is good for me is good for the whole. He asked me to see myself, the conscious spiritual being that I am, as part of the unified whole. We are all one – we are all part of the entirety of consciousness. As this one being, the activity of receiving (or of doing kind things “for me”), is actually allowing the whole, the one consciousness, to receive. I receive, I do for myself, and the whole is  gifted.

As with everything I write, and for that matter, everything you read or hear, please: Take what you like and leave the rest! Try on new ideas, see how they resonate in your life. If they do – use them! If they don’t, release them! If they were meant for you, they will return when you are ready to hear them.

What part of “just for me” is “just for you” NOW?

Just for me … continued

Yesterday’s post:

Just for me …

ended with:

Is it okay to do something “just for me”?
What can make this register as “okay” in my brain?
What if it isn’t a question for my brain?


Today, returning to those questions, my heart – and my soul – immediately knew what I needed to hear. It isn’t a new message, rather one I obviously have a hard time remembering! But for this moment, I remember and I’d like to share it with you. As always, take what you like, make it your own and leave the rest!

We – you, me and every other being on planet Earth – even Mother Earth herself – we are one. We are united, interconnected. We are not separate beings. We are Spirit-God-Source-Universe manifest as me, as you, as tree, as mountain lion. We are this thing called Life.

If that is true – if I believe it to be true (and I do) – then:

Just for ME == Just for WE

What I do to me, for me, as me impacts the greater WE. If I do something nice for me, WE benefit. If I do something ill toward me, if I treat my body or mind or heart poorly, WE are pained.

If this message holds truth, then it is important that each of us practice conscious and respectful Just for me sometimes.

What would a little “just for me” look like today?